-If you release your shield at the very moment your opponent strikes, you’ll perform a perfect shield, or parry, which allows you to delete the lag of raising down your shield and to counterattack as fast as possible.
If you are out of jump and you perform a footstool on your opponent, you will have 4 frames in which you will be invincible, allowing you to get out of range of an enemy attack since the footstool allows you to flee.
Advanced technique that consists in running from a direction to another (for example, to the right) then to abruptly change your direction (to the left) and to attack in the direction of the first direction (to the right) thanks to the right stick.
Indicates the fact of applying pressure on your opponent, generally on his shield.
Some attacks have priority over others. Indeed if two different attacks hit at the same time, the one with Priority will hit first.
When you perform a grab on your opponent, you can give him little blows by pressing multiple times on the attack button.